2023-2024 Board of Directors
Position | Incumbent |
President | |
Vice President | |
Director of Operations | |
Treasurer | |
Secretary | |
Director of Legal Affairs | |
Director of Marketing | |
SGPS Ex-Officio | |
Alumni Ex-Officio | |
Member at Large |
Interested in becoming a member of the Grad Club Board of Directors?
The board positions are outlined as follows:
President:The President is the official representative of the Grad Club and chairs all board meetings, ensuring that order be kept. It is the President’s job to ensure that the board meets on a regular basis and that all items of concern are discussed by the board. The President must also ensure that all directors and members are kept informed of the current concerns and maintain communication with organizations that share the Grad Club’s objectives. The role of President cannot be held by a Social Member.
In short, the President is the face of the club and the one required to keep pushing everyone else.
Vice-President: The VP is there to assist the President and step into that role if required. The other place that the VP should lead is in terms of long-term planning.
Director of Operations: The Director of Ops is the direct supervisor of the House Manager and helps oversee the day-to-day operations of the house. They are the primary point of contact of the board for the staff members beyond the House Manager. When required, the Director of Ops can act as the Grad Club’s General Manager. In addition, the Director of Ops is a signing authority for the bank accounts.
Director of Legal Affairs: The Director of Legal Affairs (aka “Legal”) should be familiar with the Grad Club’s By-laws, board decisions, and the standard procedures and Acts associated with the Grad Club. Their primary role is to ensure that all decisions are in accordance with those By-laws in addition to the “Laws of the Land” (Federal, Provincial, and Municipal rules, laws, and by-laws). Any infraction of such must be reported to the board and failing corrective measures, to the Membership at large. Finally, they are responsible for the interpretation of the By-laws and arbitrate in disputes between the Grad Club’s officers and the terms of their roles. They also act as the CRO at the AGM unless they plan to return for another year of service on the board.
Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for all official correspondence of the Grad Club. They are also responsible for ensuring accurate minutes for meetings are kept and posted for the staff (behind the bar and in the kitchen). The Secretary sends out notices of meetings, agendas, and minutes of previous meetings, and maintains copies of all documents as required by the Business Corporations Act.
Treasurer: The Treasurer works in close association with the book-keeper (Shirley) to prepare an annual budget. The Treasurer is also responsible for ensuring that all financial obligations of the Grad Club are met, and ensures that the ledgers, receipts, deposit books, etc are all properly maintained. The Treasurer is a signing authority for the bank accounts.
Director of Marketing: The Director of Marketing is a new position that is there to help the House Manager in all official advertising and marketing for the House. To perform this task, they liaise with the Directors of Operations and Legal Affairs to ensure that all advertising is in line with House policies, House activities, and local By-laws. They are also responsible for the Marketing Committee.
SGPS Ex-Officio: The Ex-Officio is a non-voting position on the Board held by the SGPS VP Professional as voted by the SGPS Membership. This representative contributes to the strong relationship of cooperation which the Grad Club has with the SGPS and works to ensure communication between the two graduate student organisations.
The other three members of a full board (10) are all considered Directors-at-large.